Estelle Anderson

Mixed Media, Pen and Ink, Installation, Slow Stitching

My invitation to join Pleiades came from Peta. We had met at a mixed media course and through work. I was intrigued by the invitation as I was about to retire and was ready for many new adventures into creativity and travelling. I was not expecting to go to Lawrence, Kansas! It has been amazing to learn so much and form strong friendships and to be a part of an on-going collaborative international experience


Artist Statement

In the last few years I have been exploring collage, pen and ink, acrylics and mixed media as well as water colour. I enjoy art journaling and have chronicled the long weeks of COVID in 2020 - 2022. My participation in a weekly art group ensures that I continue to draw, paint & explore different styles.
Slow stitching has become a greater part of my days. The exploration of different fabrics and stitching techniques is very much like collaging. I particularly enjoy using dolls, either found or created by myself to make art pieces. The intrigue of creating a new “person” is fascinating and the sometimes eerie sense of other, enthralling. Recently, I have been creating stitched fabric books.
Just as I used colourful netting & stitching in my 2018 exhibition piece Celestial Nesting, I am again using these mediums plus calico to present my major works. I have not had much experience with exhibiting my art, so the Pleiades Collaboration has provided a wonderful opportunity in such a unique way.


Art has always been a part of my life. I loved to draw and paint from an early age. I majored in art at Teachers’ College in the ‘70s. During the wonderful years of raising 4 sons, our household was always full of creative activities and music. In recent times, I have been able to participate in short art courses and I am now part of a weekly art group. I like to attend exhibitions and I have been to some major galleries in Australia, London, Paris and New York.
Living in Canberra, Australia’s national bush capital, is ideal with so much to do and beautiful places to walk and to be inspired. Now that five little grandchildren live nearby here I can see the world through new little eyes and introduce them to the joys of being creative. I’m not sure who might be teaching who!

Title: Whispering by the Lake 
Medium: Ink, pastel, paper, unframed
Size: 22 1/2” W x 17 1/2”D.  58cmWx45cmD
Date: 2018
Price: NFS

Title:  Sisters United
Medium: Felt with polyester filler, woollen hair, thread, beads, small accessories.
Size: 8 1/2’’ H x2’’ W. 20cmH X 5cm W with some variation
Date: 2021
Price: NFS

Title: Mummerings
Medium: Ink, water colour, acrylic
Size: 11 1/2”W x16 1/2”D 30cm W x 42cmD
Date: 2020
Price: NFS

email: - I live in Canberra, Australia

Instagram: stellastitch4ever

Facebook: Estelle Anderson (Canberra)


Lois Denham